The early stages of parenthood bring its share of challenges. Dealing with your baby’s sleep is one of the primary ones you usually have to face.

Despite clear signs of tiredness, many babies resist sleep with a tenacity that leaves parents bewildered and searching for answers. Thankfully, this article will give you all the answers you need to help your baby fall asleep easier.

Understanding Why Your Baby Is Fighting Sleep

The struggle to coax a newborn into sleep is a common issue for many parents. Studies suggest that 20 to 30% of infants have sleep problems, and contrary to what one might expect, the reasons behind a baby fighting sleep are varied and complex. Many different factors come into play and knowing what they are can help you understand your baby better.

These reasons range from physiological to environmental factors, each influencing your baby’s ability to drift off peacefully. By delving into these causes, parents can begin to tailor their approach to sleep training and create a bedtime routine that addresses their newborn’s specific needs and encourages a more consistent sleep pattern.

Common Reasons for Sleep Resistance

Understanding why your newborn is fighting sleep is crucial in developing effective strategies to help them rest better. Here are some of the most common culprits behind sleep resistance in babies.

Day-Night Confusion

Newborns often struggle with day-night confusion, a state where they mix up their days and nights, leading to significant sleep resistance. This confusion is primarily because, in the womb, babies are used to being lulled to sleep by the movement during the day and becoming more active when the mother rests at night. To help your baby adjust, exposure to natural light during the day and a dark, quiet environment at night can reinforce their natural circadian rhythms.


Paradoxically, an overtired baby is more likely to fight sleep. When babies are kept awake too long, they become overtired, making it harder for them to settle down and fall asleep. This overtiredness can lead to a cycle of sleep deprivation, where the baby becomes increasingly difficult to soothe to sleep. Watching for signs of sleepiness and ensuring your baby gets to bed before becoming overtired can prevent this cycle from starting.


The world is a fascinating place for newborns, and it doesn’t take much for them to become overstimulated. An overstimulated baby can have difficulty winding down and falling asleep. Creating a calm, soothing environment free from loud noises and bright lights, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime, can help your baby transition to sleep more easily.


Hunger is a straightforward reason why babies fight sleep. A baby who hasn’t fed well might wake up frequently or struggle to fall asleep. Ensuring your baby is well-fed before bedtime can help them sleep longer stretches. For newborns, this might mean more frequent feedings in the evening to tank up before a longer night’s sleep.

Physical Discomfort

Discomfort from gas, reflux, or teething can also disrupt a baby’s sleep. Babies who experience physical discomfort are likely to become restless and fight sleep. Techniques like burping your baby adequately after feeding, providing a pacifier, or using teething rings may offer help promote better sleep.

Separation Anxiety

Starting around six months, babies begin to understand object permanence and may develop separation anxiety, becoming distressed when their parents are not in sight. This anxiety can make bedtime particularly challenging. Establishing a reassuring bedtime routine and gradually acclimating your baby to short periods of separation can ease this anxiety over time.

Developmental Milestones

As babies grow, they reach new developmental milestones that can temporarily disrupt their sleep. Whether it’s learning to roll over, crawl, or babble, these exciting new skills can lead to sleep resistance as your baby may practice these skills instead of sleeping. Keeping active playtime to daylight hours can help ensure your baby is ready to rest at night.


Finally, even minor illnesses like a cold can make it uncomfortable for your baby to sleep. A congested baby might have difficulty breathing comfortably, leading to disrupted sleep. Providing the appropriate care and consulting with your pediatrician can help your baby return to a more regular sleep pattern.

Also read: How to Deal with Sleep Regression

Strategies to Help Your Baby Sleep

Once you’ve identified why your newborn might be fighting sleep, the next step is to implement strategies that can help him fall asleep faster. Here are some effective techniques to encourage better sleep habits in your baby.

Recognizing Your Baby’s Sleep Cues

One of the most crucial strategies is learning to recognize your baby’s sleepy cues. These can include yawning, rubbing eyes, fussiness, and looking away from stimulation. By putting your baby down to sleep at the first signs of tiredness, you can avoid overtiredness, making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Creating a Calming Bedtime Routine

Establishing a soothing bedtime routine can significantly improve your baby’s sleep. A consistent routine might involve a warm bath, a gentle massage, soft music, or reading a quiet story. This predictable pattern helps signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down, creating a conducive environment for sleep.

In addition, ensuring your baby’s bedding and clothing are comfortable contributes to creating a soothing sleep environment. Bamboo pajamas offer cooling and hypoallergenic benefits, unlike any other fabric. Consider giving bamboo a try, your baby will thank you as soon as he can.

Managing Day-Night Confusion

For babies struggling with day-night confusion, exposure to natural light during the day can help set their internal clock. Similarly, keeping nighttime feedings and interactions quiet and dimly lit reinforces the difference between day and night, gradually adjusting their sleep schedule to a more typical pattern.

Addressing Physical Comfort

Ensuring your baby is comfortable can alleviate many sleep disturbances. This includes managing gas with proper burping techniques, using a pacifier for soothing, and providing appropriate teething relief. Additionally, making sure the sleep environment is neither too hot nor too cold can make a significant difference in your baby’s ability to sleep well.

Easing Separation Anxiety

To help with separation anxiety, practice short, safe separations during the day to build your baby’s confidence in being alone. At night, a transitional object like a soft toy or blanket (introduced when it’s safe to do so) can provide comfort. Gradually increasing the time you spend out of the room as your baby falls asleep can also help them adjust.

Implementing these strategies requires patience and consistency, but over time, they can significantly improve your baby’s sleep patterns. Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be prepared to adapt your approach as you learn what best meets your baby’s needs, leading to more restful nights for the entire family.

When to Seek Help

While many sleep challenges are a normal part of infancy and can be addressed with the strategies outlined above, there are times when it’s important to seek professional help. Knowing when to consult with a pediatrician or a pediatric sleep specialist can ensure your baby receives the appropriate care for their sleep issues.

Persistent Sleep Troubles

If you’ve tried various strategies and your baby is still consistently fighting sleep, experiencing frequent night wakings, or showing signs of sleep deprivation, it may be time to seek help. Persistent sleep troubles can impact your baby’s development and well-being, as well as the health and functioning of the entire family.

Signs of Underlying Health Issues

Sometimes, sleep resistance can be a symptom of underlying health issues. If your baby is showing other signs of distress such as persistent crying, feeding difficulties, unusual lethargy, or if they have symptoms of illness like fever, rash, or difficulty breathing, consult your pediatrician. These symptoms, in conjunction with sleep challenges, may indicate a need for medical evaluation.

Impact on Family Well-being

The well-being of the entire family is important. If sleep deprivation is taking a toll on your health or if the stress of sleep training is affecting family dynamics, seeking support can provide relief and guidance. A pediatric sleep specialist can offer tailored advice and strategies that align with your family’s needs and values.

Pediatricians and pediatric sleep specialists are valuable resources for families struggling with sleep issues. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your baby’s sleep challenges, rule out any medical conditions, and recommend evidence-based strategies or interventions. Additionally, certified sleep consultants can offer personalized sleep training plans that respect your parenting style and your baby’s unique needs.

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and proactive care. By addressing sleep challenges with professional guidance, you can pave the way for healthier sleep patterns that benefit your baby and your entire family.

Take Your Family’s Sleep to the Next Level with Earthly Threads

At Earthly Threads, we specialize in creating a serene sleep environment through our premium bamboo sheets and pajamas, designed specifically with your baby’s comfort in mind. The natural thermo-regulating properties of bamboo ensure optimal comfort throughout the night, maintaining the perfect balance of warmth and coolness to prevent disturbances.

Bamboo fabric is also hypoallergenic and eco-friendly, making it ideal for sensitive skin and environmentally conscious families. With Earthly Threads, you’re choosing a path that supports both restful sleep and the well-being of our planet.

Bill Welch